Chapter 15

The Mother Had Also Abused Elvira

It would be a strange suggestion that Elvira's denial of any assault by her father during the last 5½ years could be considered to be "compatible" with abuse by her mother during the same period. Moreover, if the very last paternal assault took place in April 1991, and the mother had abused this daughter even after the move to the Mollbeck family (viz. still in October or November 1992), then it is strange that Elvira during the first half of 1992 exclusively focused on assaults by her father. In turn, it is odd that Elvira merely expressed her private conviction that her mother was aware of the father's assault, if both parents had raped both daughters in their double bed next to each other.

But in all these examples, it is evident that Elvira was reflecting Mollbeck's ideas at the time.

Unsurprisingly, the first insinuation that Elvira had been homosexually abused by her mother, is found in the police interrogation of Mollbeck conducted in 1992-04-29.

Mollbeck also played a role in the second emergence. She was present during the entire therapeutic session of 1992-06-11. This is the first documented occasion when Elvira accused her mother of criminal sexual behaviour. It is unlikely that the purpose of Mollbeck's presence was anything else than to ascertain that Elvira would deliver the new accusation.

It is a recurrent pattern that important things happen when Mollbeck is present. When she accompanied Elvira to the general practitioner on 1992-03-19, the latter reported both daughters as being incest victims. When she talked to the social workers on 1992-04-22, these decided to start working on the assumption that Elvira had really been sexually abused.

Elvira had participated in six interrogations both before and after the therapeutic session in which she accused her mother. Despite this, she did not tell the same things to the police until 1992-08-24, and not until the police officer had introduced the subject. At the very start of the seventh interrogation the police officer said that she had learned from somewhere else, that Elvira had told something about her mother. The source can only have been Mollbeck. She was eager that the stories, which she had invented and indoctrinated, should be passed on to the authorities.

The Lucia assault and the Gotland assault also involve the mother. But both likewise contain other crucial information. On 1992-10-02 Elvira explicitly states that the Gotland assault is a new image (not even a new recollection!), which she had not yet got on 1992-09-14, the time of the preceding interrogation.

Elvira did not say one single word about the Lucia assault until 1993-01-18. Prior to this date she had participated in three sets of legal proceedings; two at the district court in which either of her parents stood trial, and one by the court of appeal (the trial of her father). At none of these three trials did she mention this event.

Moreover, when Helena was tried by the court of appeal for the first time in spring 1993, Elvira still kept silent about the Lucia assault. And she added that neither parent knew much about what the other did to her. However, both the prosecutor and Mollbeck knew what she said in January.

The prosecutor invoked a document that showed that Elvira's sister Ingrid had also suffered from many minor diseases. This document was used to support the allegation that Elvira had been sexually abused. None of the judges discovered that it proves the very opposite state of affairs. If Ingrid had had such diseases despite the fact that she had not been abused, then the very same diseases in Elvira would not prove or suggest that she had been abused.

Next chapter

Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
