Chapter 16

Elvira and Ingrid Were Hired Out as Prostitutes at Sex Clubs

The first occurrence of the theme involving clubs and sexual abuse of Elvira, is found in the police interrogation of 1992-06-04. On this occasion Elvira says nothing about sex clubs. Instead she says that in The Club of Deaf People there are lots of fellows – "like ants in an anthill" she says – who rape her.

This is a typical example of getting hold of the wrong end of the stick. Hence, it is a strong indicator of indoctrination. It goes without saying that nowhere is there a hint that Elvira was capable of producing such a strange idea on her own.

The police officer abstains from pursuing this topic - probably because she understands that this allegation is nonsense.

1992-06-09 is the date of the first police interrogation in which Elvira talks about sex clubs. Take careful note, both of what is asserted and what is missing. Note also the quick alterations of the narratives over a period of only five days.

She says that her father took her to a sex club where she had coitus with men. Her mother did not know about this sex club. Elvira had a feeling, but only a feeling, that her mother had "something" to do with sex clubs. At this date she had not yet accused her mother of any pimping activities. And neither of the parents was accused of having hired out Ingrid. She had not even stated that Ingrid had ever been present at a sex club.

On 1992-06-11 Elvira visited her incest therapist. First, note that this occurs only two days after the police interrogation just described. If all the documents are taken at face value, several fundamental recollections emerged during this exceedingly brief period of time.

Second, notice that Mollbeck was present during the entire session. In this case (as in many other cases) this is an illegitimate way of conducting therapy. The presence of another person could easily have one or both of two related effects: the patient may abstain from telling certain things, and may feel forced to tell certain other things. It cannot be doubted that Mollbeck's aim was to ensure that Elvira told some of those things which she had "forgotten" to tell the police.

I am aware of the existence of family therapy and other variants of non-individual therapy, in which several patients (family members) are present at the same time. But this is irrelevant, because it is clear that the incest therapist was not engaged in providing family therapy for Elvira and never considered Mollbeck as a patient.

Elvira said that she had had sexual intercourse with a dog. She was not sure if this happened in a sex club. On the other hand she was certain about something else: she was forced to watch that Ingrid was raped on the other side of a one-way-mirror.

On one occasion the sex club had closed for the night. All the staff had gone home. But they had forgotten the two sisters, who were 9 and 11 years old at that time. They were locked in. They shouted, and someone had come and knocked at the door. After this event this sex club was closed down. And henceforth Elvira had to go home to the (male) customers.

There are many oddities in this story. Elvira's family did not live in Stockholm, and it would take an hour to travel home by car. Were Elvira and Ingrid sometimes at the sex clubs without their parents Or did one or both parents fail to notice that the children were not in the car on the way home The staff at the club cannot have been unaware of the fact that child prostitution is a serious crime. Did they fail to take even a minimum of precautions for preventing detection

If some passer-by happened to hear the girls shouting, how did he or she find someone with a key Did the girls give them a telephone number Why did this passer-by not become suspicious about finding two underage girls in a sex club Why did he or she not report the event to the police

At a later time Elvira mentioned a large number of sex clubs, some of which were only used by one of her parents and some by both. If this were true, how come that she needed to visit the male customers in their homes because one single club had closed

Did Ingrid also have to go home to the customers

Ingrid was again put forward as a key eyewitness of numerous events and situations related to Elvira's sex club stories.

Later, the police took Elvira (but not Ingrid) to all known sex clubs in and near Stockholm. She did not recognise any of them. And her description of them corresponds to the interior of The Deaf Centre (The House of the Club of the Deaf People) in Stockholm. The police also spent many days driving Elvira around in the town in the hope of finding anything she might recognise (including the customers home addresses). All in vain.

Next chapter

Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
