Chapter 44

A Contrary Book About the Elvira Case

Up to now I have taken much trouble to protect the anonymity of the persons involved. It appears that my labour was wasted, because when my manuscript was almost finished, Elvira's foster mother Birgitta Allmo (2008) published another book about the Södertälje case, whose title means "Who Dares Believe a Child". Allmo openly reveals that she is Fanny Mollbeck. And on the basis of this information more than 100,000 persons will immediately know the real identity of Elvira (called "Saga" in Allmo's book).

We cannot expect a recovered memory therapist to tell the truth. But a close look at the book might disclose other important information. This theme will be explored in chapter 44-49.

Allmo maintains that all Elvira's accusations are true. She was sexually abused by both parents. She was hired out as a prostitute in sex clubs and in the customers' private apartments. She witnessed ritual child murders associated with cannibalism. She had followed her father to Poland where he had bought children who would be murdered in Stockholm. Elvira had murdered children herself. Two other murderers were a judge of the court of appeal in Stockholm and the latter's daughter. The sect had tried to induce Elvira to murder the judge's daughter, and vice versa – although at the last minute neither of them managed to go through with it.

Allmo thinks that Elvira is still today (16 years later) a dangerous witness, who is at risk of being "filed away" by the sect.

Elvira described anonymous telephone calls in which children screamed in death agony. But these calls immediately stopped when the police bugged her telephone. Nevertheless – and this may well be the most interesting point in Allmo's (2008:184, 195) book – Allmo states that she had also received the same kind of telephone calls with screaming children. This information constitutes additional evidence that Allmo/Molbeck was the person who invented and indoctrinated the events recounted by Elvira.

But if Allmo heard these telephone calls in 1993, why didn't she inform the police in 1993

In chapter 9 we saw that the police drove around Stockholm with Elvira in the hope of finding the sex clubs, the apartments of the customers of the sexual services, and the places of the ritual murders. Allmo (2008:235), who participated in these outings, states that Elvira had definitely pointed out such addresses. In addition, when she recognised these places she was overwhelmed by spells of crying and felt sick.

In this situation I feel obliged to reveal some of the addresses. At Danderydsgatan 20 in Stockholm Elvira recognised the entrance of a sex club. It turned out that there was a bicycle storage room behind the door.

She also recognised Odengatan 104 as a place of ritual child murders. But this is a house with normal apartments, although the luxury old entrance would suggest that the apartments had also more than normal luxury.

Elvira, Ingrid and the mother left the father in September 1991. They participated in the Lucia celebrations on December 13, the same year. According to Allmo (2008:79) Oswald and Helena were not invited, but arrived unexpectedly to this feast. As a result Ingrid started to cry violently.

But in the police interrogation of 1992-05-05 (p. 4, dialog-statement no. 83-88) Ingrid denies that she had seen or talked to her father since September.

Another aspect is even more important. If Ingrid, who had not been sexually abused, had cried so much at the sight of her parents, then Elvira's crying would not indicate that she had been abused.

All Oswald's property was inherited by Elvira and Ingrid, including whatever annotations he had made. Allmo claims that her book is to a large extent based on these annotations. Now, Allmo invokes four categories of annotations. First, texts that refer to Oswald's experiences prior to the suspicion of abuse, inter alia his experiences before he immigrated to Sweden. All such texts are manifestly written in Allmo-style, and are completely alien to Oswald's own style. (Since I was his closest friend for 10 years, I am in a position to make such assessments.) I would guess that they consist of what Oswald had told his daughters, and what Elvira had later passed on to Allmo.

The three remaining categories are about the time from the suspicion up until his death. One category is about his experiences in prison (e.g. that the prisoners had to drink tea from and urinate in the same cup). Here no kind of annotations is explicitly invoked. And it would be a matter of routine to find other prisoners who could recount the same kind of experiences. These texts are also in Allmo's style of writing.

A further category. Whenever Allmo invokes hand-written annotations, the content is definitely in agreement with Oswald's style and thinking.

The last category consists of texts Oswald allegedly wrote on his computer. Allmo several times quotes formulations such as "while I am writing this on my computer" But it so happens that when Oswald died I, MS, have in person emptied his computer of literally all information, because I feared that it could otherwise be wrongfully used. This fear turned out to be well founded.

In her book Allmo basically continued the same pursuit she had begun as Elvira's recovered memory therapist. I shall not list all her untruths here. Just a few specimens: Allegedly Oswald had lent pornographic films to his neighbours. And allegedly Elvira said that she had no friend at school; none of the other girls would be her friend.

In actual fact Annette, the judge's daughter, was her closest friend, first at preschool when they were 3-4 years old, and then at school, until Elvira at the age of 16 accused Annette of having murdered children. Annette was interrogated by the police on 1993-01-25. She told that after preschool, and later after school, they would usually go to Elvira's home, because Elvira had to attend to her dog. Together with Ingrid they were "the three musketeers". Annette would often sleep a night there. Together with Elvira she had also been in The Deaf Centre in Stockholm. – And she and Elvira had a secret world based on Tolkien's stories, in which they were two princesses.

Allmo (2008:252) does not quote the affidavit by the court-appointed psychiatrist. Instead she "quotes" Oswald's alleged annotations about the content of the affidavit: "This way of forgetting [the sexual crimes he had committed] is caused by the fact that he does not want to know about these things, because if you don't want to know them, then you will pretend that you have no memory of what you have done."

In this formulation we recognise Freud's theory of repression. But the truth is that not a single sentence in the affidavit is even remotely similar to this alleged annotation.

Next chapter

Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
