Chapter 46

'The Victim Will Become an Offender'

The causal postulation in the heading of this chapter has made a strange ride from 1896 to the present time. Originally, what Freud had in mind was not children who were abused by adults, but sexual play of two preschool children. – It is not generally known that Freud borrowed this idea from Wilhelm Stekel (1895).

One of the children took the initiative. Now, on one page Freud (GW-I:452/SE-III:215) claims that each and every initiator – regardless of sex – had previously been seduced by an adult. On another page Freud (GW-I:445/SE-III:208) discusses only the boys, and there he claims that he for some but not for all boys had unearthed previous seduction by an adult. Since he also claims that he had succeeded in unearthing literally all the repressed events of all his patients, he cannot explain away the contradiction by means of the idea that the boys might have had more repressed memories than those lifted by Freud.

This discrepancy is a clear indication that Freud gives his imagination free rein without having any particular patients in mind.

Alice Miller (1983) is responsible for the following distortion: Freud claimed that all adults who abuse children have been sexually seduced when they were children.

Oswald told his daughters that he himself had been sexually abused when he was 5 years old. He maintains that his intention was to warn his daughters against such things.

But in court the prosecutor and Elvira's lawyer did their best to present his childhood accident as a reason why he was guilty of having abused Elvira.

Allmo (2008:189) improves it even further: both Oswald and Helena had been sexually abused as children. She also quotes a text written by Elvira:

"He yelled, he hit, he was noisy, he tried to drown me in the lavatory. But at least he [in contrast to the mother] applied his own quality label.

What if I shall follow the same pattern as they have done!

I think this is what I fear most of all. (p. 78)


The reference to the father's hitting could be misunderstood and must be clarified. Helena recalls that Oswald had hit both the children; and she was the one who eventually made him stop. Elvira has no recollection of having ever been hit. Ingrid recalls one single occasion when she was 4 and received one slap with a slipper on her upper arm.

The accusation that the offender tried to drown the child in the lavatory, or pressed the head of the child into the lavatory chair, can be found in many cases involving recovered memory therapy. The repetitive nature of many indoctrinated stories seems to derive from the therapists' poor imagination. But Allmo suffers not only from poor imagination but also from poor memory. In the police interrogations with Elvira there is no trace of such a lavatory assault.

Allmo (2008:247) refers to a police interrogation of Oswald, in which the police officer said that incest may be passed on in a family. – This is an obvious reference to Freud's theory. But none of the police interrogations of Oswald were audio-recorded, so it is incomprehensible how Allmo managed to obtain this information.

She also claims that both parents were members of the same homosexual club. But no such club exists. Instead Helena, who was deaf, was a member of the board of an association for deaf homosexuals. In court the prosecutor did his best to persuade the judges to perceive this fact as proof that Helena was homo- or bisexual. – If she had been a member of the board of an association for people who were both deaf and blind, would this prove that she was blind

In the court of appeal in 1994 after the case had been re-opened, the prosecutor and Elvira's lawyer wanted the proceedings to take place behind closed doors, while the defence counsels wanted open doors. Allmo falsely claims that exactly the opposite was true. (The court's decision was a compromise: open doors when sexual abuse and prostitution were handled, and closed doors when the child murders were handled.)

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Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
