Chapter 7

The Second Cardinal Result: Eyewitnesses of the Sexual Assaults

When I add all Elvira's statements, it seems that she experienced a total of some 250 assaults. I do not attach any importance to this figure. And I do not think that the sentence would have been different if the real number had been proved to be half or twice as many.

Elvira has only supplied concrete descriptions of 12 (twelve) assaults. Neither this pattern would have been remarkable, if it had not been strongly connected with a further piece of information. Elvira claims that her younger sister Ingrid was an eyewitness of 11 (eleven) of these 12 assaults. At 7 (seven) assaults she postulates the presence of further eyewitnesses.

In Sweden the Lucia Day (13th December) is a prominent festival. Surprisingly, there is no information as to what year the Lucia assault took place. But the postulated content was as follows. In accordance with the Swedish traditions the two daughters woke up their parents in the morning, bringing them coffee and gingerbread biscuits while singing the Lucia song. Ingrid was dressed as Lucia with a ring of candles on her head, while Elvira was her maid.

Instead of appreciating this act of kindness, the parents caught hold of both daughters, so that all china, coffee and biscuits fell to the floor. And then both parents raped both daughters beside each other on their double bed. The father performed genital coitus on Ingrid, while the mother performed Lesbian intercourse on Elvira.

Allegedly, the father had at repeated occasions performed coitus on Elvira, while Ingrid was sitting at the edge of the bed. – In the first judgment by the court of appeal (dated 1992-05-11) we can read: "At least once he has had sexual intercourse with her [= Elvira] in full view of her sister Ingrid."

The mother's lover was reported to have raped Elvira in the presence of Ingrid, and to have raped Ingrid in the presence of Elvira.

Moreover, Elvira accused both parents of having hired out both daughters as child prostitutes at sex clubs. Through a one-way-mirror Elvira had allegedly watched the abuse of Ingrid.

One pattern described in chapter 4 is illuminating, because it consists of several events, each of which involves an eyewitness. In the police interrogation of 1992-06-04 Elvira recounts that on one occasion Ingrid had in Elvira's presence painted the father's anus with nail polish. On a later occasion Elvira and Ingrid had talked about this event. And then Ingrid had said that it was Elvira who painted Oswald's anus while Ingrid was watching. On account of this, Elvira is not sure which of the sisters is right when she is talking to the police. But she knows that the recollection of this event emerged shortly after a session with her incest therapist, during which she had painted the Ken doll with nail polish between his legs.

It is important that Ingrid was extensively and intensively interrogated by the police on 1992-05-05. This interrogation comprises 5072 spoken words. Ingrid denied unequivocally that she had been sexually abused by anyone. She also denied that she had ever seen her father or anyone else showing any improper behaviour toward Elvira. She knew that Elvira had reported the father to the police. But she was totally incapable of guessing for what crime he had been reported.

It could be argued that it was unethical to convict the defendant of the bedside events, without perceiving any need to ask Ingrid about these events, and without looking up in the police interrogation what she has actually said. The same thing is true of all other assaults in which Ingrid was allegedly involved.

Next chapter

Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
