Table 1: The Crucial Temporal Relations of the Case

PI = police interrogation
PO = police interrogation officer
MS = comment by Max Scharnberg

Date Elvira
Other Persons and MS-Comments
92-02-03 At a meeting arranged by the anorexia therapist Elvira clearly states that she has no recollection of any sexual abuse.
92-02-?? (sometime in February; date not known)
Mollbeck engages an incest therapist for Elvira. Mollbeck tells this person that Elvira has probably been sexually abused by her father. Elvira's biological mother is induced to pay for the therapy.
Elvira meets a social worker and clearly states that she has no recollection of any sexual abuse.
Elvira meets the incest therapist for the first time. She clearly states that she has no recollection of any sexual abuse.
Elvira sees a general practitioner because of much pain after a fall down the stairs. She tells that she receives incest therapy. She also states clearly that she has no recollection of any sexual abuse.
Mollbeck is present during this visit. It is not known what she said.
[MS:] There is a recurrent number of what may aptly be called "the Mollbeck intervention pattern". When the foster mother intervenes, important persons will start some significant activity.
The general practitioner had previously had a vague suspicion that Ingrid had been sexually abused, but her suspicion was too vague for her to do anything about it. But on the basis of the meeting on the preceding day she now reports to the social agency that both sisters had probably been sexually abused.
92-04-07 (approx) to 92-04-29
Mollbeck states that most of Elvira's accounts of sexual abuse have emerged during these three weeks.
Mollbeck meets two social workers. She tells them what Elvira had allegedly told her: From the age of 10 she had procured young boys for her father's paedophile abuse.
[MS:] This is one more instance of the Mollbeck intervention pattern. When the foster mother intervenes, important persons will start some significant activity.
92-04-23 or at most 3 days later
The social agency's suspicion about sexual abuse of Elvira took on a more definite shape.
Elvira talks with a social worker after having broken down at school. It is not clear if Mollbeck was present. And if she were, not clear what was said by Elvira or Mollbeck. The following four statements came forward:
(1) Elvira's father had had sexual intercourse with her "during all these years".
(2) Elvira has an image of coitus with her father while Ingrid was sitting at the bedside.

(3) Elvira is convinced that her mother is aware of her father's abuse.
(4) Elvira believes that her father also abuses other children.
[First PI of Elvira] She has no memory of any sexual abuse from any period. But she is absolutely certain that no abuse has occurred during the last 5½ years.
[PI] PO asks about the bedside event. Elvira's response is to beg for some support, so that she can have the courage to tell the truth. PO pushes her away from this theme and requests more abuse recounts.
[PI] PO introduces the theme of procuring young boys for the father's paedophilia. It takes some time until Elvira grasps what PO is talking about. But the only thing Elvira knows about her father's male partners is that a middle-aged man on one single occasion had coffee with the family
[First PI of Mollbeck] Mollbeck repeats that Elvira had procured young boys for the father's abuse. Her father had also told her to wear sexy outfits in order to succeed better with this task.
[PI] Mollbeck claims that Elvira has told her that Osvald has had sexual intercourse with her, while Ingrid was sitting on the bedside.
[PI] Mollbeck insinuates but does not state explicitly that Elvira has likewise been homosexually abused by her mother.
[PI] PO asks again about the bedside event. Elvira says that Ingrid sat with her legs crossed. But Elvira does not recall anything else; in particular, nothing of a sexual character.
[PI] PO asks again about the young boys procured. But about her father's male partners Elvira knows only that a middle-aged man once had coffee with the family
92-05-04-c (exact date is not available, but it must have been rather soon after 92-04-27)
Elvira goes to the social agency and tells that she had not been abused. She had been pressed to make false allegations.
[First and only police interrogation of Ingrid.] Ingrid denies that she had ever been subjected to or had witnessed any indecent behaviour.
[not PI] Mollbeck informs the police of what Elvira had allegedly told her on the preceding evening while she sobbed and wept a lot. In April 1991 the father had been depressed and had lain down next to her in her bed. He had started to fondle her, but fondling had gradually changed into rape. This was the last assault by the father.
92-05-07-a (earliest possible date of images, but probably later in May)
[Incest therapist; not the date of PI but the date at which Elvira had shown a certain behaviour] Elvira had neither any recollections nor any images until after the first police interrogation.
92-05-07-b (earliest possible date, but probably later in May)
Elvira begins to have an image that her father was laying upon her. She asks herself if this could really have happened.
Elvira tells her therapist as a recollection, not as an image, that her father was depressed and laid himself in her bed next to her. He started to fondle her. But Elvira has no memory of what happened afterwards.
[PI] PO re-introduces the bedside event. Elvira says that both she and Ingrid sat on the bedside, and that the aim was that their father should express his hate. She mentions no sexual aspect. When PO reminds her that it must be a sexual event, Elvira answers: "I don't know, there might be more than one event. But everything is intertwined into a diffuse chaos."
[PI] PO re-introduces the boys Elvira allegedly procured for her father. Elvira denies such things.
[PI] PO asks about the consolation assault. Elvira answers that it is difficult to answer, because what she had told Mollbeck was not correct. She asks if PO will accept information that is not correct'
[PI] Elvira explicitly says that she shall tell PO the same incorrect thing that she told Mollbeck, and that this is an image. The father had lain down in her bed next to her and fondled her. Gradually his behaviour became more brutal: he somewhat strangled her. No sexual constituent is mentioned.
[PI] Elvira recounts that on one occasion she was an eyewitness while Ingrid painted the father's anus with nail polish [with the qualifications to be described in a moment].
[MS:] Ingrid denies completely to have been exposed to
[PI] Elvira continues to say that she has had a discussion with Ingrid about this event. Ingrid had then said that it was Elvira who painted the father's anus with nail polish, while Ingrid watched.
[PI] Therefore Elvira is now uncertain as to which of the sisters painted the anus and who was merely watching.
[PI] Nevertheless, Elvira remembers that this recollection emerged shortly after she at a session with the incest therapist had painted the Ken doll between his legs with nail polish.
[MS:] This information may well provide one hint as to how the narratives may have developed, although Mollbeck is the primary indoctrinator.

Evidently the recollection emerged after the start of the incest therapy (92-03-07), although Elvira still on 92-04-28 had no abuse recollections.
[PI] Elvira states that in The Club of Deaf People there are lots of fellows who rape her.
[MS:] This is a typical case of Elvira having misunderstood the indoctrination story she was supposed to tell.
[PI] PO does not ask what was wrong, and what was right instead. Nor did she ask who decided that it was wrong, and on what grounds.
[PI] Elvira had been disobedient. In order to punish her, her father inserted his fingers into Ingrid's vagina. No sexual abuse of Elvira.
This is the first documented date when Elvira accuses her mother of sexual abuse. She does so in a session with her therapist.
Mollbeck is present during the entire therapeutic session.
[MS:] Mollbeck's motive can hardly have been any other than to ensure that Elvira would tell the right stories. - This is one more instance of the Mollbeck intervention pattern. When the foster mother intervenes, important persons will start some significant activity. - Note the extraordinarily brief interval of only two days, between this therapeutic session and the preceding police interrogation.
During the same session Elvira said that she had coitus with a dog. She was not sure if this had happened in a sex club.
In a sex club Elvira had through a one-way-mirror seen that Ingrid was raped.
On one occasion the sex club had closed for the night. All personnel had gone home. They had forgotten the two 10-11 year old sisters, who had been locked in. They shouted and someone had come and knocked at the door.
After this event this sex club was closed. And henceforth Elvira had to go home to the (male) customers.
[PI] Mollbeck claims that Elvira had told her the following assault. Both Elvira and Ingrid sat on the bedside. Their father came into the room and inserted his fingers into Ingrid's vagina.

[PI] This is the very first date when Elvira tells the police about sexual abuse by her mother.
[MS:] This is so, although two PI intervened between this date and the date when Elvira told her therapist about the mother's abuse.
[PI] Elvira explicitly states that this is a very new image (not even a new recollection). During a bicycle vacation her mother had sexually abused her.
[PI] Elvira starts to say that Ingrid must have seen the assault. PO stops her, saying that Ingrid has probably not seen anything. Elvira immediately retracts her assertion about Ingrid as an eyewitness.
[PI] This is the first time Elvira tells about the Lucia assault. No year is indicated, but it could not have happened later than 1990. In the double bed and next to each other the father rapes Ingrid and the mother rapes Elvira.
[MS:] This is the 22nd PI. In none of the 21 preceding PIs is there any hint of the Lucia assault. This is also an assault for which Ingrid was allegedly an eyewitness.
[MS:] This is also the only sexual assault of which Elvira gives a detailed account. All others got merely brief accounts. By contrast, during the intervening time Elvira has given numerous extraordinarily detailed accounts of ritual child murders and cannibalism.

[MS:] Prior to this date Elvira had participated in two trials of her father and one of her mother (by the district court). At none of these three trials did she say anything about the Lucia assault. - The trial of her mother by the Court of Appeal would soon follow, but neither on this trial did Elvira tell this event to this court.
[MS:] The four first teams of judges (22 judges all in all) never heard anything about the Lucia assault. But the fifth team in 1994 did neither detect, nor try to detect, nor attribute any evidential value to the fact that Elvira was not capable of giving a detailed description of any single sexual assault, until she had provided numerous detailed accounts of ritual murder.